上海-滨海高尔夫俱乐部价目表http://sports.sina.com.cn 2003年09月19日13:44 新浪体育
![]() ![]() 上海滨海高尔夫俱乐部价目表 备注 Notes : 1.18洞合计打球费含果岭费、设施费及菁英球僮费; Above total prices include 18-hole green fee, facility fee and a regular caddie fee. 2.平日9洞果岭费和球僮费按18洞标准减半计算,会所设施费不变; The Club has 9-hole green fee and caddie fee on weekdays while facility fee stays the same as 18 holes’. 3.周末若只打9洞,果岭费和球僮费仍按18洞计算;若加打9洞,其加打的果岭费和球僮费按18洞标准减半计算; The Club only has an 18-hole green fee and caddie fee at weekends. Extra 9-hole green fee and caddie fee will be charged if the golfers play the other 9 holes after 18 holes. 4.点名球僮需支付点名费30元/次.人; Extra RMB30 per caddie will be charged for caddie’s reservaton; 5.非俱乐部运作本身造成的原因(如球员自身、天气等),导致无法完成球局,仍需按俱乐部规定支付相应的全部费用; If the golfers fail to finish their round of golf because of weather or their own reason, they must pay the total account before leaveing the Club. 6.免费提供3辆班车,每天往返市区;[点击查看详情] Three free shuttle buses run every day between the Club and city. 7.该价格从2007年2月1日起执行。 This tariff comes into effect on February 1,2007.
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