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http://sports.sina.com.cn 2003年09月22日18:46 新浪体育

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  俱 乐 部 简 介



  “至专至诚 至信至美”是俱乐部设计球场、服务会员的宗旨。在拥有数十万株原始树木的杨柳青黑森林内,球场充分利用原有的自然景观,辅以设计师独具想象力和创造力的设计,使整个球场充满激情和诱惑,且易中有难,平凡中暗藏玄机,令不同水平的球手都能尽情享受到挥杆的乐趣和充满刺激的挑战。



  Brief of the Club

  Tianjin Yangliuqing Golf Club located in the famous town of Yangliuqing. It is in an area of 500 acres. It is only 20 kilometers from downtown Tianjin and is an 80 minutes drive from Beijing. It is near to Waihuanxian, which is the outer ring road of Tianjin and is also surrounded by the Jinfu, Jintong and Jinjing roads.

  It is owned by Tianjin Home World (Group) Co.Ltd. Our subjective is to construct an international standard 36 holes Golf Resort by two stages. Front 18 holes has been open in October,1999,its gross investment is RMB 200 million, the whole fairway length is 7010 yard, 72 hole.

  The clubhouse of 15,000 square meters with multifunctional facilities has been opened at the first stage, including a conference room, a restaurant, a bar, a locker and a pro shop, the driving range with 12,000 square meters has also been opened at the same time. The second stage when completed will have an 18 holes illuminated golf course for international golf tournaments, an outdoor swimming pool, international standard tennis courts, and holiday villas. The construction of 27 holes have been finished and 9 holes light course have been open on October 6,2002. Now Tianjin Yangliuqing Golf Club has been the largest scale golf sport resort in Tianjin area.

  High quality and professional service for its membership is the club’s aim. The club is located in a natural forest and good use of the landscape is made in the course design. The golf course is exciting, attractive and challenging for every level of golfer.

  We welcome you to enjoy the finest service the club can offer.

  球场地址:天津市西青区杨柳青镇一经路立交桥北 (300380)

  订场热线:86-22-27922792 会员专线:86-22-27948100

  球场传真:86-22-27937008 86-22-27937878







  E_Mail: ylqgolf@public.tpt.tj.cn




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