昆明阳光高尔夫俱乐部简介 | |
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年05月19日18:26 新浪体育 | |
![]() ![]() 阳光球场美景 查看全部体育图片 循环图片 新浪体育讯 阳光高尔夫球场位于美丽的春城——昆明北部昆曲高速公路6公里处,距市区仅需15分钟车程。球场由世界著名的美国罗伯特.琼斯公司设计/监理。球场四周群山环抱,植被茂密,苍翠清幽,地势蜿蜒起伏,为山地、丘陵结合型球场。阳光高尔夫球场为18洞72杆国际标准锦标级高尔夫球场,占地面积约2400亩,球场球道总长度为7217码,设有四个人工湖,63个沙坑,拥有40个练习位的亚洲一流高尔夫球练习场,为全国较少的灯光练习场之一。整个球场依山傍水,动静相宜。球场保留了自然的地势景貌,更利用天然形成的岩石 9000平方米豪华星级休闲会所配套、人性化服务一应俱全;同时尊贵别墅群,依循天然地势建造,风格幽雅高尚。 阳光高尔夫会所具备国际一流的多功能商务会议中心可分为220人会议中心,VIP会议厅以及其他小型会议厅,风格尊贵,造就运动商务完美结合;中心同时配备同声翻译系统,沟通交流无阻隔,足以承办各种国内外商务会议,为广大贵宾创造最为满意的洽商环境,达致商务合作无往不利。 打球价格: 18洞 9洞 周一至周五: RMB830/人/轮 RMB500/人/轮 周六至周日,公众假期:RMB996/人/轮 RMB600/人/轮 包含:果岭、球童和球车费。 Kunming Sun Shine Golf Club is located at the north of Kunming City and only a few minutes from the downtown linked by Kunming –Qujing Express Way. A par 72 championship course playing 7217 yards that is the centerpiece of a 260-hectare masterplanned community provides an unmatched view of not only the golf course but distant views of Kunming . The diversity of the site terrain creates a truly unique and traditional golf course, which meanders through two separate and distinctly different valleys that possess a variety of native vegetation .The golf course will provide a test of golf that is challenging and enjoyable for all the different golfer`s abilities. The driving range is the first one in Kunming equipped with light system,which is offering the best service till night including professional coaching. |